How ChatGPT can help you optimize your content for entities

When strategically utilized, ChatGPT can surpass manual human effort in output quality. 

No, the tools won’t write better content.

Instead, I believe a writer armed with this technology can craft optimized content that’s better aligned with Google’s ranking criteria.

By exploring various methods of content scoring and entity extraction, I aim to guide you toward maximizing the tools’ benefits.

Beyond keywords: How entities impact modern SEO strategies” discussed how and why to include relevant entities across your website (i.e., topical map). 

This article will focus on why and how to use entities to create better-ranking SEO content. 

Before discussing how software optimizes entity use for search results, let’s understand the similarities between entity SEO and OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Building blocks of language 

At its most basic level, language is built around:

  • Subjects: What (or whom) the sentence is about.
  • Predicates: Says something about the subject. 

For example, in the sentence “The cat sat on the mat,” “The cat” is the subject and “sat on the mat” is the predicate.

Both Google’s search engine and OpenAI’s ChatGPT are designed to understand the fundamental structure of language. 

Semantic search engines focus on understanding content in a computationally efficient way. 

ChatGPT goes a step further, using far more computation to generate content. 

Semantic search engines 

Google’s search engine identifies entities, which are essentially the subjects of sentences on a webpage. 

It then uses the context around those entities to understand the predicates – or what is being said about those entities. 

This enables Google to understand the page’s content and how it might be relevant to a user’s search query. 

The relationships under consideration are depicted in Google’s Knowledge Graph. 

When Google analyzes an article, it uses its Knowledge Graph to gain deeper insights. 

It identifies relevant entities and predicates in the content, which allows it to discern what keyword searches the piece is most pertinent to.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT

On the other hand, ChatGPT uses its transformer model and embeddings to understand both subjects and predicates. 

Specifically, the model’s attention mechanism allows it to understand the relationships between different words in a sentence, effectively understanding the predicate. 

The embeddings, meanwhile, help the model understand the relationships and meanings of the words themselves, which includes understanding the subjects.

Jargon alert - Attention

Despite their vast differences, ChatGPT and entity SEO share a common capability: 

Recognizing entities and predicates relevant to a topic. This commonality underscores how vital entities are to our comprehension of language.

Despite the complexities, SEO professionals should focus their efforts on entities, subjects and their predicates. 

So how do we use this new understanding to optimize our content?

Optimizing new content for entities

Google identifies entities and their predicates on a webpage. It also compares them across potentially relevant pages. 

In essence, it’s like a matchmaker, trying to find the best match between a user’s search query and the content available on the web. 

Given that Google’s algorithm is optimized for high-quality results, start your optimization process by examining the top 10 Google results. 

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10 Ways To Optimize Your Site For Future SEO Success

Additionally, Google is working on upgrading its search capabilities through AI technology like MUM, which promises to make search more flexible.

This valuable knowledge will push you towards the best way to optimize your site.

Let’s make sure your SEO strategy matches the flexibility of your customers and Google’s constantly changing algorithm.

How To Optimize Your Site For Voice Search

Now that we know how people typically use voice search, let’s get to work.

Making your site voice-search-friendly can help people find you – and, more importantly, choose you.

How can your business leverage voice technology?

1. Find & Use Conversational Keywords

As you know, short and vague keywords are the enemy of SEO.

In most cases, mid-tail and long-tail keywords are much better: the more specific they are, the more likely they are to bring you a customer.

Voice search takes it a step further: even long-tail keywords aren’t enough.

Instead, you have to use full phrases and questions that are normally used in conversations between real humans.

Such as, “What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”

Fortunately, keyword-finding tools can pick up such phrases and questions for you just fine.

Look no further than WebCEO’s Keyword Suggestions.

Voice Search: 10 Ways To Optimize Your Site For Future SEO SuccessScreenshot from WebCEO, April 2022

Once you’re inside the question research tool, select all conversational phrases.

Hint: they often begin with the words who, what, why, where, when, and how.

Good alternatives for voice search keyword research are Google’s autocomplete and “People Also Ask” features.

To take your research across the finish line, be sure to also look in forums and websites frequented by your target audience.

A really good example is Reddit. Find a subreddit related to your niche and check the thread titles – those are the questions asked by your potential customers.

All that’s left is to use them on your site.

2. Build An FAQ Section

You often hear that having an FAQ page on your site is great for your SEO, and it’s absolutely true.

Users come with questions, and you should have the answers ready.

SEO experts advise creating content that fulfills the users’ needs, and it’s hard to think of a better example than an FAQ.

But the important words here are “questions” and “answers” – that’s the essence of voice search!

Those questions and answers are the drivers of conversational language, which we’ve just talked about.

Using your research from step 1, list the questions on one of your site’s pages – then simply follow them up with answers.

Make them detailed, but not too long; users prefer quick answers, and voice search answers tend to be on the shorter side, too.


Voice Search: 10 Ways To Optimize Your Site For Future SEO SuccessScreenshot from Siri User Guide, April 2022

3. Go Multilingual

Chances are, you have a diverse pool of visitors who speak more than one language.

If that’s the case, you need to prepare content they can find and use.

With voice search involved, the quality of your content’s translation needs to be very accurate.

You want to

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SEO vs. PPC: When to Optimize and When to Pay for Traffic

If you’re struggling to get the word out about your brand new business venture, you’re not alone. Like you, many business owners struggle to acquire customers in the beginning.Balancing the cost, maintenance, and results of a marketing campaign isn’t easy. Most of the time, the solution to this problem is one of two marketing strategies: search engine optimization (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. But which method is suitable for you?

In this article, we’ve explored what you can expect to achieve from each of these acquisition strategies. We’ve also provided some pros and cons of SEO and PPC strategies along with descriptive statistics and real-life examples to help you decide whether your business is best suited for SEO or PPC – or both.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is the process of enhancing your website’s visibility to make it rank and gain organic traffic from search engines.

Just as you turn to your favorite search engines, such as Google or Bing, to look up a new marketing acronym or where to get good pizza, so do your consumers. When you invest in SEO, you’re increasing the likelihood of your target audience finding you when they make a Google search for keywords related to your product or service. In fact, 61% of marketers say that SEO is a top inbound marketing factor for their business. But it’s easier said than done.

Here’s an example of SEO in action.

In the image below, Hubspot appears at the top of Google’s organic search engine results page (SERP) for the term “inbound marketing,” thanks to the SEO strategy we have in place.

The order of the results that appear on the search engine results page isn’t arbitrary. Each search engine takes into account several ranking factors that influence where a webpage gets placed. The goal of an SEO strategy is to create web pages and content that work with the ranking factors of the search engine in order to rise within the SERP rankings.

Are there other search engines besides Google?

Most SEO strategies center around Google instead of others like Bing and Yahoo! because it holds 92.47% of the search engine market share. Because of this, you’ll need to learn about Google’s 200 ranking factors, technical SEO, link building, content creation, and so much more if you want to appear higher up on the search engine results page.

Pros of SEO

Here are some advantages of SEO:

1. SEO is cheaper in the long run.

Although SEO might cost time and money -to pay freelancers or agencies, and for SEO tools – it’s still cheaper than PPC in the long run.

When you create content that ranks and drives traffic to your website, you no longer have to keep spending money to make your target customers see it. And when these customers decide to click on your link, it comes at zero cost, unlike a PPC campaign where you pay per click.

Organic traffic is also very scalable and

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International SEO: How to Optimize Your Website for Other Countries

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to help your brand reach the first page of search results and ideally climb into the top 5 positions for your primary keyword.

But what happens when you want to expand outside of local markets? With Google now seeing more than 3.5 billion searches per day, there’s a massive opportunity for brands to capture new customers. The caveat is that existing SEO practices may not translate – and in some cases, may actually hurt your brand in other countries.

To avoid this potential pitfall, a robust international SEO strategy is critical. Here’s what you need to know about what it is, how it works, how it’ll benefit you, and what steps you can take to create an effective plan.

Ready? Shkojme! Idemo! Vámonos! Let’s go!

International SEO Strategy

An international SEO strategy is a combination of the policies, processes, and practices that your brand uses to optimize search content for other countries. The goal of international SEO is to make it easy for search engines to identify where your business operations are located and what languages you support.

Effective strategies leverage a combination of geographic and language data to develop SEO plans that drive reliable ROI. A strong international SEO strategy will help your company reach new markets and multiply revenue.

What does international SEO do for company websites?

An international SEO strategy for websites focuses on creating content that’s applicable to local markets, as well as developing a website structure that makes it easy for search engines to find and serve the right webpages to the right users at the right time.

Consider a company that sells window shades in the United States and is making a move into Canada. First, you’ll want to ensure Canadian customers are sent to the right pages on your website – pages that contain information about Canadian locations, Canadian shipping times, and fees and costs in CAD.

You’ll need a website structure that includes both U.S. and Canadian pages and leverages enough metadata that search requests from users will direct them to the right page for their current location.

Does my business need an international SEO strategy?

It depends.

If you have no plans to expand beyond local markets – such as your current city or state – international SEO probably isn’t worth the time and resources required. In fact, international SEO can backfire if your business is entirely local. Customers who land on international pages won’t be happy when they discover you serve a very small geographic area.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to expand beyond country borders, it’s worth spending on international SEO. Given the sheer number of companies competing on the global stage and the increased challenge in ranking highly for relevant keywords, a comprehensive strategy is critical.

Still not sure whether you should go for a local SEO strategy or international SEO strategy?

International SEO vs Local SEO

The biggest difference between local and international SEO is scale. While local

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