Website Statistics By Website Traffic and Demographics

Website Statistics By Website Holders, Screen Region, Website Traffic, Per Time Visit, Country and Demographics



Website Statistics: The report says that till February 2023, there were more than 2 billion websites over the world of which only 400 million websites are presently active and 81% were deactivated. Websites are basically termed as the digital face of business organizations and companies which needs to be perfect because this is an important factor in marketing statistics. For creating website statistics it is necessary first to evaluate the customer’s trend and web design trends in recent days.

These Website Statistics include insights from various important aspects that will enable light on the importance of a website for every brand today.

Editor’s Choice

  • In the 1st quarter of 2023, the most visited websites across the world were Google with 97 billion and YouTube with 80.5 billion.
  • According to Statista, mobile devices have generated 59.16% of website traffic by the end of 2022.
  • The most popular website type is e-commerce and which is having more than 20 million websites in total.
  • As of 2023, for designing a basic website by using tools and themes the average cost stands out to be $2000 to $3200.
  • In 2022, worldwide customers by 83% expected that websites must not take more than 3 seconds to load but the websites in mobile takes almost 7 seconds to load visual content.
  • CTA commonly known as ‘calls to action’ is an important element of every website’s homepages and in 2022, 70% of small businesses were not having CTA.
  • On average online users spends almost 5.95 seconds viewing images on the main websites.
  • A seamless performance has been experienced by 83% of users across all devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and Smartphones.
  • As of 2023, the annual salary of an average website designer is $63,842.

Facts About Websites

  • People left out many websites because of poor navigation systems agreed to 37% of users around the world in 2022.
  • Websites with effective visuals with proper trends and topics allow them in evolving faster in recent days.
  • By the end of 2022, the top web design trends are Memphis design, typographic hero image, retro revolution, visible borders, engaging interactive, neo-brutalism, moving type, creative scrolling experiences, and handmade graphics.
  • Designing a basic feature on a website for providing a hassle-free and easy process for users takes almost 2 months on average.
  • According to Behavioral and Information Technology, for creating opinions about the websites as well as the business, users took only 0.05 seconds of time.
  • Designing a proper website is an essential factor because this directly impacts the reputation of brands, which has been agreed by half of the worldwide internet users.
  • Colorful websites always remained more attractive and 39% of website users in 2022 have also preferred more color visual elements on websites which enhances the interest rate of users.

Challenges Faced by Website Holders

  • In 2022 the biggest problem faced across the world was generating traffic and leads by 61%.
  • The other challenges are followed by proving ROI (39%), securing budget
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